Surf Drive Mile

(formerly the Main Street Mile)
Sponsored by Lawrence Lynch Corp

Save the Date: Sunday, May 18, 2025, at 9am. Registration is OPEN

Location: The race starts on Surf Drive one mile west of the Surf Drive Beach House, near Elm Road. It finishes at the Surf Drive Beach House.

Race course: The course is fast and flat along Surf Drive, running from west to east

Entry Fee: $10 Kids 12 and under / $15 Individuals 13 and over/ $20 day of race for all entries

Registration: Register online at RaceRoster! Race day registration will be on May 18th at the Surf Drive Beach House from 7am to 8:30am.

Number Pickup & On-Site Registration: On race day, number pickup and day-of-race registration will be available 7am – 8:30am before the race start. Race day registration is $20 for all entries

Directions: To the Surf Drive Beach House (for number pickup and race day registration): Take Rte. 28 from either direction into Falmouth to Main Street, turn south on Walker St. or Shore St. to the Surf Drive Beach House. The race start is one mile west of the Beach House. Finish is at the Beach House.

General info: The Surf Drive Mile (formerly the “Main Street Mile”) is a 1-Mile race along Surf Drive that finishes at the Surf Drive Beach House. The race is intended for fast runners who want to run a competitive mile, and for slower runners and walkers who want a more leisurely event. There will be one start with the faster runners positioned up front. For safety reasons, any baby strollers/joggers must start at the back. Slower runners, small children, and walkers will be asked to line up near the back as well.

Children under age 7 must be accompanied by an adult who is registered to run the race.

Toilet facilities will be available at the start/finish line area.

T-shirts are given to the first 150 entries received. Post entries will receive remaining t-shirts as available.

Refreshments immediately following the race.

Awards to the top three males and females overall and a commemorative medal to each finisher 18 and under.

Information/Questions: contact us at [email protected]

Thank you to Lawrence Lynch Corp for their generous sponsorship of the Surf Drive Mile